Swift Live Stock Express Road Number SLSX 72221


This 40’ despatch stock car is brown with white lettering and runs on Bettendorf trucks. Swift & Company was founded in 1875 by Gustavus Swift in Chicago, IL, and soon acquired the majority interest in a large Texas stockyard. In order to move cattle and processed meats, Swift pioneered several technologies including upgrades to stock cars and the refrigerated boxcar.

SKU: 03500300 Categories: ,


This 40’ despatch stock car is brown with white lettering and runs on Bettendorf trucks. Swift & Company was founded in 1875 by Gustavus Swift in Chicago, IL, and soon acquired the majority interest in a large Texas stockyard. In order to move cattle and processed meats, Swift pioneered several technologies including upgrades to stock cars and the refrigerated boxcar.

Additional information

Date Released

October 2018

