EMD F40PH Phase III “pre-ditch light” Version #381 DCC (Digital)


February 2018, Kato USA will be re-issuing the EMD F40PH in its original “as built” form for Amtrak,
in order to match the newly announced re-release of Amtrak Amfleet II Phase III cars!
In addition, this new run of locomotives will be available in both DC (Analog) and DCC variations
through standard distribution, making it easier than ever to put this modern day workhorse into service
on your layout!

Out of stock

SKU: 176-6107-DCC Category:


February 2018, Kato USA will be re-issuing the EMD F40PH in its original “as built” form for Amtrak,
in order to match the newly announced re-release of Amtrak Amfleet II Phase III cars!
In addition, this new run of locomotives will be available in both DC (Analog) and DCC variations
through standard distribution, making it easier than ever to put this modern day workhorse into service
on your layout!

Delivery for the Analog versions will be in February 2018 with the DCC versions following one month after.

* Officially licensed by Amtrak. Amtrak and Amfleet are registered service marks of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.

Additional information

Date Released

February 2018

